Monday, March 28, 2016

Oldfields Half Marathon training - week 3

This was another iffy week of training.  Some of it was because my allergies are back with a vengeance now that Spring is here and part of it is just a generalized lack of motivation, I think maybe because my body thought I'd be done by training by now.  But this is the last week of training as the race is this weekend! So here is how the week went.

Monday - rest day

Tuesday - rest day

Wednesday - 15 minute warm up on the elliptical plus body pump

Thursday - A bit more than 40 minutes on the elliptical at the gym.  I had to move to another machine part of the way through because someone with really strong perfume got on the machine next to me.  This seems to happen to me more than other people or maybe I'm more sensitive to strong scents because of my allergies?

Friday - I tried to go for a run in my neighborhood but my eyes were watering and nose running by the end of the block.  It turned into more of a brisk walk, and I didn't even bother measuring it with the Garmin.  Just from past runs in my neighborhood, I would say it was somewhere between 1.5 miles and 2 miles.  But here are some of the pretty flowers I saw during the walk, though they were probably the cause of my breathing difficulties.

Saturday - Yoga with Adriene, strength training. Perry decided to supervise from the top of my yoga mat.

Sunday -   I actually had a pretty good run this day.  I did 6 miles with a friend on the C&O Canal tow path.  I wanted to get a run in on an unpaved surface as the race this weekend is on a similar sounding crushed gravel trail.  I'm a little nervous about it after this run but I think it should be ok.  I'm just going to have to watch my footing if there are large, loose rocks as I felt like I almost turned my ankle at one point.

Since this is the last week before the race, I'm going to cut out the body pump.  I'm going to try to get in 2 short runs and then a couple days of yoga before the race on Saturday.  Also, I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap.

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