Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday 5 - things I'm doing during the snow storm

Well, it looks like we're going to have a bunch of snow dropped on us today and tomorrow.  The good news is that both Mike and I are able to stay home and do some teleworking.  And also that it's time for the Friday Five link up with Cynthia, Courtney, and Mar. That means there will be plenty of reading material because there are a ton of great bloggers participating in the link up!

So what will I be doing with my time during this blizzard?  Here are 5 things we have planned.

1. Baking - it always a great cold weather activity.  And Mike even looked up some healthy baking options so we're not "stuck" eating a bunch of treats on our own.  I believe the first project is going to be Irish scones.

2. Crafting - I've gotten away from knitting and crocheting just because I haven't seemed to have the time recently.  Well this is the perfect opportunity to get back to it.  I've still got a bunch of yarn and unfinished projects.

3.  Cleaning - it doesn't sound exciting but I feel like this is a great time to get to some of those tasks that are far down on the list and never get done.  Cleaning out the pantry is hug on our list for this weekend.

4.  Photos - another task I need to get to is editing vacation photos and making photo books.  I also want to make my dad a photo book with photos from our Jingle Jungle 5k and Disney trip.  Bonus, at least looking at all those warm weather photos will be a nice break from the snow outside the window!

Caribbean cruise sounds so good right about now

5.  Work out videos - I'm not planning to go for a run in the snow but I'm planning on checking out some new work out videos on you tube.  And of course, there's always shoveling.  That's quite a workout too!

And of course, there are the classics of movies, books, and video games.  Mike vetoed The Day After Tomorrow, but I have a book about Everest and an indie movie about a trip to Iceland on tap.  They seem appropriate for the snowy weather.

How do you guys deal with a period of enforced staying in the house?

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