Monday, August 21, 2017

Heart rate training week 12

The weekend flew by!  It seemed so short but it was a great weekend.  And that means it's Monday and time for the weekly wrap.  So here are the details of my week.

Monday - Rest day

Tuesday - I worked from home as I had an off site meeting I had to go to in the middle of the day.  And I also had a strength training session in the evening.


Wednesday - Morning easy run


Thursday - 40 minutes on the elliptical at the gym


Friday - rest day

Saturday - A local 8k with a 1 mile warm up beforehand.  I'll write more about the race later this week.  We also had a birthday party for Mike with a gathering of friends at our house.


Sunday - Ugh, indulged a bit too much at the party on Saturday.  Getting up did not feel good.  But I got myself together and went out for an easy run, and I felt so much better afterward!  I also went to a yoga class later in the morning.  I'd been doing yoga at home but had forgotten how much I enjoyed full yoga classes.  The only thing I didn't like though is that they put too many people in the studio and it ended up being too crowded, hot and stuffy :(  I'm not sure if I'll give this place another try.


I'm pretty happy with how the week went :)  I got in 4 cardio sessions and 2 strength training sessions, with one of those being a 75 minute yoga class.  Here's the plan for this week.

 Monday - rest day
Tuesday - strength training
Wednesday - morning easy run
Thursday - intervals at the gym
Friday - morning easy run
Saturday - strength training
Sunday - Long run with friends

I hope everyone else had a great week too!  I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippiPiddlin (and guest host Ponder N' Wonder) for the Weekly Wrap.


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