Monday, September 30, 2019

Weekly Review

I hope everyone had a good weekend!  Things went a little bit better for working out this week and I was even able to go for a short run with no foot pain the next day!  I'm going to stick to short runs this week and fingers crossed that it will go well.  I've also been continuing with the stretching and foot massager and they seem to be helping as well so I'm going to try to keep that as part of the routine.

Monday -  Rest day and 15 minute afternoon walk at work

Tuesday -  Runner's World Yoga

Wednesday - 30 minute run

Thursday - Rest day and our 10th anniversary

Friday - 20 minute Peleton beginner class.  They had a bunch of employee appreciation events at work and I took full advantage.  I tried out the peleton bike (my first time) and I really enjoyed it.  I also got a 10 minute chair massage, free lunch, some wine, and time to cuddle puppies!

Saturday -  Rest Day.  I volunteered to help at the registration table at the company 5k so I was there bright and early.

It was only 400-500 people but it was really well organized.  And they had a bunch of fun activities for kids including a petting zoo with an Alpaca.  They also had Kaiser there giving flu shots so I went ahead and go that done.  I had thought about going to the gym afterward but I began to feel some foot pain as I walked back to the car so I decided to go home and ice my foot instead.  I think it may have just been caused by being on my feet for a couple hours.

We also went out to meet up with some friends for a cabaret style show in the evening.

Sunday - Barre Video on You Tube. I started feeling a bit off Saturday evening and didn't feel well Sunday morning so I skipped the yoga class at the gym.  But I think maybe it was just due to the flu shot and I felt better by Sunday evening so I did a barre video at home.

Here's the plan for this week:

Monday - recovery yoga
Tuesday - 30 minute run
Wednesday - Body Pump
Thursday - 30 minute run
Friday - Strength train
Saturday - 30 minute run
Sunday - Yoga class at gym

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown!

 weekly Run Down

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