I hope everyone has had a great couple weeks! I missed last week's wrap up but I hadn't had any work outs that week anyway. I'm happy to say I got more working out in this week and, fingers crossed, my foot seems to be holding up ok. Maybe that pesky tendinitis is finally gone.
Monday - 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes in the weight room at the gym
Tuesday - Rest day
Wednesday - I was still sore from the weights Monday so I made this a yoga day
Thursday - rest day
Friday - 30 minute run in the morning.
We also had a little staycation in the city and got a hotel room for the evening. We were able to go out to dinner, see a show, and have drinks with a friend afterward! All of this without worrying about getting back to Maryland afterward.
Saturday - We had a leisurely morning and slept in. Then I took advantage of the hotel gym, which had a peleton bike and did a 30 minute class.
We also had a nice brunch in town before heading back home.
Sunday - Yoga and strength training at home in the evening.
We also spent some time on errands, getting ready to travel this week for Thanksgiving, and playing with kitties since they missed us while we were gone for one day :)
So I'm hopeful this week will go well with the working out too. I think I'm going to keep trying to have a lot of variety in my workouts instead of just spending most of my time running and hopefully that will help as well. I definitely want to keep some yoga in my routine. Here's a tentative plan for the week.
Monday - Barre video
Tuesday -30 minute run
Wednesday - Rest day and flying to Ohio
Thursday - 45 minute run
Friday - Yoga
Saturday - 45 minute run
Sunday - Yoga + strength training
I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown!