Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Five - Blog posts

I hope that everyone's week is ending well!  It's Friday again and I'm excited to be linking up with Mar, Cynthia and Courtney again for the Friday Five link up since I missed it last week.  This week's theme is blogs to follow but I have so many blogs I love reading that I don't think I could pick only 5.  Instead, I'm going to post about 5 blog posts I've read recently that I feel have been really helpful.

1.  My feet have been starting to fall asleep in my older pair of running shoes and I will probably be retiring them soon.  *Sniff* But I was doing some research and came across this great post about different ways to lace your running shoes to help alleviate problems.  I had no idea that lacing your shoes differently could have so many results! I found this post to be super helpful and I'm going to try a couple of these out to see if it helps.

2.  In addition to being one of the hosts of this link up, Courtney gives great blogging tips and I really enjoyed her recent post on tips for avoiding writer's block.

3. I'm always looking for tips in order to try to run smart and increase my mileage in such a way as to minimize chances of injury.  This post from Runner's World last year has great tips and details.  It doesn't just say to strength train but provides lots of specific exercises to try.  It doesn't just say improve your form but provides lots of information on specific things to look for in your form. I've really been trying to make an effort to pay attention to my form and I think it's helping, though I definitely slip toward the end of my runs.  Always a work in progress :)

4.  I'm not at the point where I'm really concentrating on speed.  I'm working on increasing mileage and improving my endurance at the moment.  But I found this post from Merrell on improving your speed to be really interesting.  I like that it's not just about speedwork but also talks about things like motivation, planning and rest.

My kitties definitely have the rest part down!

5.  Lastly, Nicole at Fitful Focus has a fun series on finds from around the web that I really enjoy.  She always has great finds to share. 

I hope that you all have a great weekend ahead of you :)

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