Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday 5 - Self Care

It's been a super busy week at work but it's finally Friday!  Almost time for the weekend and time for some relaxation.  Friday also means it's time for the Friday 5 link up with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia.

Speaking of relaxing, I've been participating in Mar's 14 days of self care that started February 1st.  Given how busy work has been, it has been a much needed reminder to do something for myself every day, no matter how little it is.  Just taking that time to even think about self care every day has really helped keep it a priority!  And I've noticed that there are some forms of self care that are easy to do but there are other forms that are more difficult to motivate myself to do, even though I know that I will get an immense amount of satisfaction at having done it when it's over.

So here are 5 things that count as self-care for me.

1.  Kitty cuddles! This needs no explanation and it's one of those things that are easy to do and that I look forward to every evening.

2.  Working out - This is one of the ones that I sometimes have a hard time motivating myself to do.  I know that there has never been a time I regretted getting a work out in, but I still have a hard time motivating myself to get up and moving.  Inertia is definitely a thing. 

3.  Family and friend time - Another easy one that I'm always motivated to do and that always leaves me feeling good afterward.  Now scheduling may be a difficulty, but not the motivation.

4. Cooking nourishing and tasty food - This is one that I have a hard time with on busy weekdays.  This week, I've been starving in the evenings after work and that makes it hard to take the time to go home and cook a healthy meal.  I really needed to do more meal prep over the weekend.  But I actually enjoy cooking, it relaxes me, and I get a lot of satisfaction out of feeding other people nourishing food that I've created.

Tortellini soup we made during the blizzard

5.  Spa time - This last one is something I love, and not even necessarily going to the spa.  At home facials and manicures can also be incredibly relaxing.  But this is something else that I have a hard time finding the time for.  One of the things I'm committing to this weekend is taking the time to do my nails and a hot bath after my long run.  Mar shared a great recipe for an Epsom Salt bath that I'm hoping to try out and enjoy.

My last jamberry experiment

So those are some of my favorite ways to take care of myself, though I do some more easily than others.  What are your favorite ways to relax and take care of yourself?

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