Monday - Rest day with a 20 minute walk
Beautiful sky during my walk
Tuesday - Strength training with the FitStar app
This one was tough, lots of frowny faces
Wednesday - Threshold run in the was a warm up and then 15 minutes in zone 4, 2 minutes recovery, another 15 minutes in zone 4 and then a cool down. This was a challenging but fun run :)
Thursday - Easy recovery workout with 45 minutes on the elliptical machine at the gym.
Friday - Unplanned rest day... I was just so tired that I figured a rest day was in order.
Saturday - Strength training with FitStar.
I also still felt really exhausted, physically and mentally. So I decided to take a morning for myself. No electronics, no news, no email. I made my favorite tea, put on some relaxing music, and caught up on some fun reading on the couch. I also did some yoga later in the day. It was exactly what I needed!
Sunday - Riley's Rumble 8k. I had a great time doing this one with friends. More details on it later in the week.
Here are my workout plans for this week.
Monday - rest day
Tuesday - strength training
Wednesday - easy run before going to work in the morning
Thursday - interval run at the gym after work
Friday - strength training
Saturday - Long run
Sunday - threshold run
I hope everyone else had a great week too! I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippiPiddlin (and guest host Confessions of a Mother Runner) for the Weekly Wrap.