Monday, September 10, 2018

Baltimore Running Festival Training Week 4

I hope everyone had a good week!  There was a lot of rain here over the weekend which certainly put a damper on things.  And it looks like we may be getting more rain this week as well.  But fingers crossed that it's not too bad and the hurricane heading towards the east coast doesn't hit anyone too badly.  But work out wise, I did get everything in this week.  So I'm happy about that.

Also, you may have noticed a change in my training.  I started looking at the travel to Columbus, which was complicated by a west coast work trip right before the race.  It just wasn't looking like it was going to work out without a 10 hour flight with stops.  So I decided it wasn't worth it.  I had already registered but the money goes to the children's hospital so I'll just consider it a donation to a good cause.  Luckily, there is a race in Baltimore the same weekend!  I've heard good things about the Baltimore Running Festival so I'm going to do that half instead.  It's hilly compared to Columbus' flat course but I generally run in a hilly area anyway so I think it should be ok.

Here's a summary of last week.

Monday - rest day

Tuesday - strength training in the evening (pretty much the same as Friday but I forgot to track it on Tuesday)

Wednesday - 4 easy miles in the morning

Thursday - Speed work on the treadmill (1 mile warm up, 2.5 miles half marathon pace, .5 mile cool down)

Friday - Strength training after work

Saturday - 6 miles.  Thankfully the rain held off and I was able to get my run in before the rain really started.  It was only in the high 60s, which was nice, but the humidity was still in the high 90s and the air felt pretty soupy.

After my run, I had a not so fun dentist appointment but we followed that with dinner out and a concert with friends.  It was an outdoor venue but we had bought covered seats instead of lawn seats.  I was pretty happy about that given the rain.  It was a symphonic tribute to Prince, and it was really interesting hearing the music, mostly without vocals, played by a symphony.  It's touring to a couple cities as well so I would definitely recommend it if it's coming to a city near you :)

Sunday - 9 miles.  Ugh, I woke up to more rain Sunday and it was pretty much going to rain all day.  So I took my long run to the gym and did it indoors on the treadmill.  I hate doing my long run on the treadmill as my gait is definitely different but it was raining pretty hard outside.  I'm watching Madame Secretary on Netflix so at least I had that to keep my interest.

This week is a cut back week so here's the plan

Monday - Rest day
Tuesday - 4 miles in the morning
Wednesday - Strength training
Thursday - Speed work (1 mile warm up, 2.5 miles at half marathon pace, .5 mile cool down)
Friday - Strength training
Saturday - 4 miles
Sunday - 4 miles

I'm linking up with with HoHoRuns and Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap.


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