Friday, February 7, 2020


One of the things I wanted to make sure to do this year is take note of the good things in my life and pay attention to all that I have to be thankful for. I'm joining Fairytales and Fitness for their Friday link up to talk about things that have happened this week that I'm grateful for.

1.  Mike put up this display of my marathon medal and I love it!

2. Mike also won free tickets to a screening of Birds of Prey.  It was a fun movie, though the violence level was a little graphic for me.  

3. I'm thankful for my dodging skills.  Shelby pushed a knife off the counter yesterday and it almost hit my foot!  I'm not sure if she was aiming for me or Perry.  Thankfully, we both escaped without injury :)

4. There's a new Star Wars app that came out that let's you make silly photos with Star Wars characters and I've been having a lot of fun with it :)

And I'm thankful that it's almost the weekend!  It's been a hard week at work so I'm especially glad for a bit of a break.  Anything you're really thankful for this week?  I'd love to hear about it.

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