Monday, August 24, 2020

Goodbye, for now

 I hope everyone has had a great week!  I just want to post to say I've come to the realization that I'm going to step back from blogging.  

 My first running photo on the blog from January 2014

I've always been doing this just for fun.  Back when I started in 2014, it was also a way to have some accountability to keep working out, and to meet other runners as well as learn more about tips and technique.  I've really enjoyed virtually meeting so many of you and it's been a helpful outlet for talking about my training and plans without bothering my non-running friends with it.

Finishing my first half marathon in November of 2014

But now, it has begun to feel like a bit of a chore and not as fun.  And, well, let's face it that there aren't a lot of races at the moment.  And thankfully I've gotten to the point that I'm working out because I enjoy it and want to do it, so I don't need accountability quite as much.  

During the Disney World full marathon in January of 2019 - not the end of the journey I hope!

I definitely still want the community and to stay in touch with all of you!  I may not be here but I will still be posting on instagram and I look forward to continuing to follow all of your adventures as well :)

As always, I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown! 

 weekly Run Down

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