Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday 5 - 2016 goals

I hope everyone has had a good week!  It's been crawling by for me but it's finally Friday.  Before we get to the weekend, it's time for the Friday 5 link up with Mar, Cynthia and Courtney.  Since it's January and I've already talked about how I did with my 2015 goals, I'm going to go ahead and talk about my fitness goals for 2016.

1. 3 half marathons - I ran my first half marathon in 2014, trained for 2 in 2015, so it's time to keep moving up the ladder with 3 in 2016.  I'll talk about which races I've picked out later this month but I'm excited about my races for this year.

Half marathon number 2 of 2015, that ended up being more like a quarter marathon

2. 5k without walking - I do pretty much all my runs using run/walk intervals.  I want to keep them for longer runs and races but I think I want to work on getting to the point where I can run a 5k without walking.  So I'm going to work on that this year as well and hope it leads to another 5k PR.

My 2015 5k PR for May
 3. Tracking all runs, including treadmill runs - I've been bad about this so far but I'd like to have the more accurate data so this is one of the things I want to remember to work on this year.

4. New fitness activities - I tried a lot of different types of classes and fitness activities in 2015 and I want to continue that in 2016 with trying at least 2 new things.  I've been intimidated by cycling classes so I want one of the new things to be a cycling class.  We'll see what the other one ends up being.

Stand up paddle boarding was one of the new things I tried in 2015

 5. Cooking - Cooking has definitely fallen by the wayside recently.  It hasn't all been take out but I've been concentrating on easy regulars to pull together at home.  And that's fine because that's what we've needed to do to avoid take out.  But I want to get back to experimenting a bit more in the kitchen so my goal for 2016 is at least 1 new recipe per month and posting it on the blog.

So there you have it, my goals for 2016! I'm looking forward to a great year and hope that it turns out to be a wonderful year for all of you as well.

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