Monday - rest day with a 20 minute walk
Tuesday - 20 minute walk and strength training
Wednesday- Morning run before work
Thursday - Unplanned rest day with a 30 minute walk in the evening. Sadly, I think this may have been when I hurt my foot since it started hurting Friday morning.
Friday - Speed work in the morning before work. It was 4/1 intervals.
We also went out dancing again at the last silent disco of the year. The DJs weren't as good as past years but we still had a lot of fun.
Saturday- I tried out a new barre class. It was ok. I got a great workout for my core and legs but it wasn't as high energy as past barre classes I've been to.
Sunday - I was planning to meet friends for a 2 hour run. But when we started, there was an immediate sharp pain in my foot :( So I decided to just walk. At some point in mile 2, the foot wasn't hurting and I could walk normally so I ran a bit in mile 2 and was able to add even more running in mile 3. But I decided to just keep it to 1 hour instead of 2 hours.
I was glad I got out there though since it was such a beautiful morning!
So that was my week. The foot still hurts (it's the front and outside of the ankle). It's fine most of the time but there's pain when I move it wrong, i.e. tilt it up or to the side. My work shoes have a slight heel and it actually helps since it keeps my foot tilted down. I'm hoping more rest today will help. But I hope everyone else had a good week! I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippiPiddlin (and guest host Finding Fabulous at Fifty) for the Weekly Wrap.