Wednesday, August 21, 2019


We keep hearing how important sleep is for training.  And not just for training, but really for life in general.  Sometimes, we can't control the amount and quantity of sleep we get.  But there are some steps we can take.  I try to be good about this but there are definitely things I'm still working on.

1.  Go to bed at a consistent time.  I'm pretty good about this.  I take my sleep seriously and try to make sure I don't have too many late nights any more.  This also helps with being able to get up early and get out for a run in the morning.

Shelby is an expert sleeper, and kind enough to not bother us in the middle of the night :)

2.  No caffeine after 3pm.  I've been doing this for a couple years now and it really helps.  I used to feel like caffeine had no impact on me but I was fooling myself.  Or maybe it didn't impact me much when I was younger but things changed when I hit 40.

3.  No screens before bed.  I'm definitely still working on this one.  I try it for a while but then keep falling back into old habits and scroll through social media at bed time.  I've got to work on quitting this one for good.

Perry loves his bedtime cuddles

4.  No pets!  We used to keep our bedroom door closed so the cats couldn't get in.  Then while we were having renovations done on the house, we were sleeping in the guest room and had to keep the door open.  Oh my goodness, sleeping with cats was difficult.  Somehow, Mike was able to sleep through it but I felt it every time Perry turned over.  And he always needs petting at 1am for some reason.  He's insistent about it and keeps nudging my shoulder until I give in.  The renovations had finished a while ago and we had moved back into our bedroom but we kept the door open to give them some transition time.  Well, that ended last weekend.  We started closing the door again and I slept SO WELL!  It was an amazing feeling waking up and not being exhausted due to being up petting a cat all night.

So that's where I am on my sleep journey.  It's also helped that we had a ceiling fan put in during the renovations so the air circulates better and I no longer wake up a sweaty mess.

Anyone else have other tips for sleep?  I'd love to hear them!

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