Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wendesday Musings

I hope everyone is have a good week so far!  The days seem to be crawling by for me but I'm sure it's because this is the fist full week at work I've had in a while due to the holidays.  But 2020 is still starting out well!  So I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about a couple things I'm thankful for!

The first is that my work place is so flexible.  We had snow yesterday, and of course, the worst of it was going to be during the evening commute.  I was able to leave work around 1pm so I could be home before the snow started and just finish working from home.  We didn't get a lot of accumulation but the snow was definitely coming down hard at points and the visibility was poor.

I'm also thankful for starting a new year in running!  I'm not setting any mileage goals this year but I love this fun tracker I found online.  It's free to download and print, and you can color in each mile you run.  They have a 500 mile, 1000 mile, 500k and 1000k option.  Of course my official tracker is still garmin but I thought this was a fun little crafty project for the year.

Lastly, I'm happy to not be traveling for a while.  I always feel a bit exhausted after the holiday travel.  This week is the Disney Marathon and I've been seeing a lot of posts from people heading down to Florida for the races.  I thought I'd experience some FOMO but mostly I'm happy to be able to stay at home and settle back into a routine this year.  Good luck to everyone running the races!

How about you all, things you're grateful for to start out the year?

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