Monday - rest day
Tuesday - 40 minutes on the elliptical at the gym. I meant to use the treadmill but all the good treadmills were taken.
Wednesday - Strength training at home
Thursday - This is the day my foot began to hurt so I took it as an unplanned rest day.
Friday - rest day
Saturday - we were in Atlanta visiting family. I had asked online for advice on a place to run and was told about this 5 mile loop around a golf community. My initial plan was to do 2 loops but my foot started hurting around mile 3 or so so I just did one lap and called it a day. It was also a fairly hilly course and that didn't feel good on my foot either.
It was a beautiful area and there were just enough people around that I always felt safe but it never felt too crowded. And it was a gorgeous morning. Though there were some sections where the route was a bit unclear so I had to stop a couple times in mile 1 to figure out where I was going. And mile 4 (average pace of 17:26!) had a grass surface instead of pavement in parts, plus a giant hill that I ended up walking after the halfway point.
Sunday - Yoga with Adriene (strengthening and lengthening) which was about a 40 minute video. I also took a couple walks through the day.
Sadly, my foot is not feeling better. It feels a bit worse today. I'm planning on resting it today and tomorrow with lots of icing. I'm going to see how it feels Wednesday and try for a short run in the neighborhood if it's feeling better. The Pacer's St. Patrick's Day 10k is this Sunday and I was planning to run it because 6 miles seemed like a good distance the weekend before the half. Also, I had deferred this race due to the freezing rain last year so I'm already registered without paying anything extra. But we'll see how the rest of this week goes.
I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap.